Chanukkah: By definition, Chanukkah is 8 times longer than Christmas.
That's an extra WEEK of presents, dreidels, Jews, and gifts, and presents.
Christmas: 1 day. How fucking cute. Hey remember Christmas when you were 12? You should, it was only one day long. More like one day SHORT! Stick to praying, Christianity... Jesus Christ. LITERRRLLALAY!
Chanukkah: Umm... we got the one about the Dreidel... oh and a song or two about Judah the Maccabee. Sisqo's the Thong Song makes veiled references to the Menorah (Baby make your booty go Dunuh Dunuh.) But other than that, not much.
Christmas: I know it’s been said, many times many ways, but these songs (jingle bell jingle bell jingle bell) ROCK! Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, N-Sync! Everybody wants to sing these timeless classics! I know that I can't eat my morning chestnuts roasted on an open fire without thinking of that song about a partridge in a pear tree! On the first day of Christmas my true love would give me a CD! NOW THAT’S WHAT I CALL RELIGION Vol. 12!
Point: CHRISTMAS! (1-1)
Christmas: I have NO idea what eggs are, and I sure as hell have no idea what nog is. I make it a point not to drink anything thick and yellow. What's that? Egg Nog is a drink, not a food? Ha ha ha, groveling will earn you no pity points Christmas....
Point: CHANUKKAH (2-1)
Chanukkah: Lets see, there's 8 Crazy Nights... Um... Does Schindler's List count?
Christmas: Home Alone 1, shame on you. Home Alone 2? Shame on me.
Point: CHRISTMAS (2-2)
Chanukkah: Jesus celebrated Chanukkah. He was pretty good at dreidel but his potato pancakes were a little dry. You shoulda seen the expression on his face when his mother ate his latkes! LOL!
Christmas: Jesus didn't even know about Christmas when he was alive. Unless you think he's alive in all of us today, in which case you're wrong, he's not.
Honestly, he isn't.
Chanukkah: Yah I still got nothin.
Christmas: STILL enjoying them!
IT’S A DRAW! Or as I like to call it: A Drwanzaa! Thats right, there is a third party candidate we didn’t take into account and that’s Kwanzaa.
Kwanzaa was started at UCLA in 1961 by the military to help them communicate electronically. Today over 3 billion people around the world are online and chatting in different Kwanzaa rooms and using Kwanzaa to buy their gifts online. Consider yourself smarter. Because you can't pronounce EDUCATION, without the JEW!
Honestly... you = worst judge ever! There are TWELVE days of christmas as the song says, plus there are way more traditional christmas foods than egg nog...what about fruit cake and turkey and ham and oranges and cranberry sauce and pommegranates? and christmas movies? hello? How about White Christmas with rosemary clooney and bing crosby? or It's a wonderful life with Jimmy Stewart? Miracle on 34th street? and of course Jesus celebrated christmas.... he celebrated his birthday didn't he? and his birthday is what christmas is... that's why we give everyone gifts casue people gave Jesus gifts cause it was his birthday....Honestly if you're gonna judge a holiday at least TRY!!!!
Nothing against Hanukkah, I dont know anything about it... so I won't TRY and judge it!
P.S. Props on the kwanzaa explanation!
I guess I should have given props where props are due and say that I totally lifted the Channukah vs. Christmas debate from collegehumour.com
Not my stylings.
To add to Morgan's comment..
Actually we give presents because there WAS actually a man named Saint Nicholas (or was referred to as), and every year on the 24th of December he would walk around his little villiage and distribute gifts or sticks (not coal) to deserving children. Hence, the celebration of St. Nicholas day in some cultures.
Hey it's morgan again
Alrighty if you didn't write it I'll forgive you. Christmas is my mucho favorito holiday...sometimes I get carried away!!!
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