Saturday, October 29, 2005

A conversation with Steve is never boring!

Jesse Juicy Jew: what are you flying (to Houston)?
stevenbuchalter: southwest from Detroit
Jesse Juicy Jew: oh
Jesse Juicy Jew: loser
stevenbuchalter: jew
Jesse Juicy Jew: man
stevenbuchalter: theatre major
Jesse Juicy Jew: guy who goes to western
stevenbuchalter: zionist
Jesse Juicy Jew: canadian
stevenbuchalter: shabbos-respecter
Jesse Juicy Jew: shabbos-defiler
stevenbuchalter: closet homosexual
Jesse Juicy Jew: public butt fucker
stevenbuchalter: hey that's not fair
stevenbuchalter: i haven't called you anything negative yet
stevenbuchalter: go up and check them all
Jesse Juicy Jew: who says butt fucking in public is negative?
stevenbuchalter: am i giving? or receiving
Jesse Juicy Jew: whatever floats your boat
Jesse Juicy Jew: you should fully know that this converstion is going to be published in my blog
stevenbuchalter: shouldn't you have said that before i started talking? that's not a very fair disclaimer
stevenbuchalter: also...if this is going in your blog
stevenbuchalter: pencildick!
stevenbuchalter: jesse has a pencildick!
Jesse Juicy Jew: if you can see my penis from London, I doubt that it's a pencildick
stevenbuchalter: i's the thin snaking flaccid line running down our main streets
stevenbuchalter: with the signs that say "2 miles this way to the head of the world's longest thinnest dick"
stevenbuchalter: yeah how's that for your blog
stevenbuchalter: sorry...i'm on some drugs right now
Jesse Juicy Jew: good enough
Jesse Juicy Jew: thank you
stevenbuchalter: didn't mean to be a jerk
Jesse Juicy Jew: it's ok
Jesse Juicy Jew: you're wonderful
stevenbuchalter: i really do enjoy marijuana
stevenbuchalter: though it's no cocaine
stevenbuchalter: cocaine's a hell of a drug

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