Sunday, June 11, 2006


Long overdue, as usual.

I’m in the Baltimore airport. It seems I often find myself in some random airport in America as I write new entries (which doesn’t say much for my blogging frequency...)

This past week I had the pleasure of attending the URJ's Lifelong Jewish Learning Commission retreat and then immediately afterwards the URJ Board of Trustees meeting. Pretty important stuff.

We're working really hard to get a lot of facetime for the KESHER Leadership Council with the Union bigwigs so we can finally get some hard resources. And we're doing really well.

I attend these meetings and conferences and retreats a lot, and I'm so lucky to be able to travel around the world and meet amazing people who are amazingly dedicated to their Judaism. Plus, the opportunity to hang out with friends in (usually) nice hotels is also a bonus. Believe me, we work really hard and deserve the comfortable beds!

The time spent at these meetings really rejuvinates the desire in me to work as a Jewish Professional - as a Rabbi, or otherwise. But I know that as soon as I get back up on stage, I'll be dreaming of applying to the National Theatre School after I graduate. This pendulum swinging back and forth is going to have to come to a screeching halt within the next year as I decide what to do after graduation, and it's getting a little more nervewracking each day.

I leave for Israel in three days for the World Zionist Congress. Needless to say, I am ridiculously excited to get back to the country. THE country. I'm there for a week and a half, then I come home for my cousin's (Catholic) wedding, and then I leave for camp the next day.

The next two weeks are going to be a little insane :-)

I'll be blogging, podcasting, and video-casting live from Israel starting on Wednesday, and you'll be able to follow me and ARZA Canada at:

I'll post a last entry before the summer within the next couple of weeks with information on how to reach me at camp. And then I'm sure this blog will be stagnant until September :-)

Aleh V'hagshem.

1 comment:

Songbird said...

I like the little "Catholic" sidebar (you can probably guess who this is just from that note). Hehehe, oh Jesse, 2 sacraments down, 5 more to go! I have to catch up on my Judaism ...know anyone with a good bar mitzvah coming up? :)