Friday, May 19, 2006


Jesse --


A master of sexual gratification

'How will you be defined in the sexual dictionary?' at

Well... now that we got that out of the way.
Shabbat Shalom to you!

It's raining outside, it's my cousin's (Orthodox) Bat Mitzvah on Monday, and the entire weekend is a celebration! Things at work are getting crazy geared up towards the Congress in Jerusalem, which is weird because as I get closer to the end of my job, things also get busier. Strange.

In a couple weeks, a bunch of us are going to Hawley's cottage for 5 days. I need that time. It's going to be my purge week to get rid of the year's stresses, so I can go to Israel and camp free of shit. A wonderful buffer week.

After that, it's my cousin's (Catholic) Wedding, then camp.

Summer's delightful. I love it. Especially when it involves Israel and camp.
It's raining outside.
I also like the rain.

I've caught onto this new Pandora music thing. It's fantastic. I'm finding a plethora of new music. So wonderful.

Check these bands out:

Pernice Brothers
The Bats
The Bevis Frond
Chuck Prophet
The Finn Brothers
T.S. Monk
Brendan Benson
Rusted Root
The Jayhawks

Good stuff there.

Shabbat Shalom to y'all

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

rusted root is awesome-- they're from pittsburgh though, so of course they are.