Monday, December 06, 2004

stealing shamelessly from carly (who already stole from ben)

copycat is my first name.

so the (lifted) proposition goes like this. you (yes you) can ask me any 3 questions (as comments to this blog) and i will answer them to the best of my ability


Anonymous said...

what is the meaning of juice?

Anonymous said...

#1. If you could have one experience from a movie that is currently unavailible in real life (think "memory adjustment" from Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind), what would it be and why?

#2. If you could be with any one person right now, who would it be?

#3. What is your favourite memory from the past 10 years?

Jesse said...

#1) My movie experience would be to travel down the rabbit-hole, through the looking glass, or to OZ (I guess those are all book experiences - but what the hell) I want to go somewhere that simultaneously terrifies me, excites me, makes me sad, and makes me happy. Then I want to go home with a newfound appreciation for home. (Is that cheezy? not sure.)

(And if I get to take the madhatter or the scarecrow back with me, so much the better!)

#2) I haven't seen Sivanne in two years, and I miss her dearly. We talk online a lot and every now and then I get a phone call from her, but I haven't seen her since camp two summers ago. She's an incredible person who I can talk to about anything and who really understands who I am. One night at camp, we sat outside under a lighting filled sky, and I read from "In the Skin of a Lion" (Being an American, she had never heard of it) That ranks as one of my favourite memories. I miss her.

#3) My favourite memory ?! Wow - that's a lot. So much to choose from. I think my memory is the fact that I have so many favourite memories to choose from. Here's a small sampling:

My Bar Mitzvah
Emily's Bat Mitzvah
My mom's Bat Mitzvah
NFTY-NEL Debates Cleansweep
When Melissa Goldman saw 4 foot snow drifts for the first time.

Well now, I feel naked and revealed. That's the way it should be.

Jo said...

Hi Jesse. I blogstalk you, I hope that's okay. I don't know if it still counts as blogstalking... but here are my questions.

1. What is the significance of the last dream you remember?
2. Would you like to choose when and how you die?
3. Is there anything you would willingly die for?

Jesse said...
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Jesse said...

In response to Jo:

1. I think my last dream was not having to write the paper on Simone de Beauvoir due Friday. Significance: I don't have to write it, thereby sparing my sanity and freeing up time to do other things, like study. Interesting tradeoff.

2. If I could choose when and how I die, I would choose not to. (For the time being, at least). There's so much to do in life, I don't want death to get in the way of it. Plus I have great faith that the future will be really really really cool. And if it isn't, I'll make it cool, seeing as I'll be around!

3. I would die for my family in an instant. All of them, indlucing my dog. I think I'd also die for my Judaism. I'm not a zealot or anything, but I think if someone told me to convert or die, I don't think I could convert. At leats not faithfully.

Anonymous said...

my 3 questions:

1) who is the one person in the world you look up to/ aspire to be like?
2) what was your last relationship like/ why did it end?
3) if you could settle down in one place where would it be?